This week we talk with globally traveling photographer, new author, and all the time psychic, intuitive, empath Mira Zaki about her entrepreneurial journey. Mira talks about how she helps heal and empower through her camera. She also shares her travel experiences, including a recent tour with Pearl Jam. Mira talks about the influence intuition has been on her business and how she has honed those skills.
Episode Highlights:
On healing through her camera:
- There is strength in vulnerability. It’s transformative.
- Instagram is curated and planned, not natural and transparent; don’t compare yourself to the unnatural photos.
- She highly recommends the podcast Unfuck Your Brain https://unfckyourbrain.com/podcasts/
- You can’t verify whether thoughts are true. We all have different truths. Ask instead: are my thoughts helpful?
On Intuition:
- Our bodies have their own cycles. Listen to your cycles. Rest when you need to.
- Slow down. Listen and notice.
- Journal and see patterns.
- Admitting and realizing there is something trying to get your attention.
- Healthy curiosity can do a lot along with your community.
- Resources Mira recommends:
- https://www.intuitiveleverage.com/
- https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-10745/are-you-ignoring-your-intuition-7-tips-to-get-in-touch-with-yourself.html
- https://chopra.com/article/5-ways-develop-your-intuition
- https://www.erinthepsychicwitch.com/
- http://www.essentialpsychicskills.com/
- https://www.andrewsmith.ie/
- A spectacular book for anyone who feels like a highly sensitive person- it is out of print, but watch for it as its been picked up by a larger publisher: https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Want-Empath-Anymore-Boundaries/dp/1976792010
- https://www.amazon.com/Witch-Unleashed-Unapologetic-Lisa-Lister/dp/178180754X
- http://theintrovertentrepreneur.com/
- http://astrostyle.com/guided-meditation-cancer/
- http://astrostyle.com/pisces-season/
- https://jenniferracioppi.com/pisces-magic/
- https://jenniferracioppi.com/things-arent-flowing-tune-into-your-gut/
Biggest business lessons Mira has learned:
- Self care (not just on the weekends and evenings)
- Follow your own rhythm
- There is wisdom in rest. There is wisdom in the no you’ve received.
- Always ask for help.
- Help others.
Mira’s advice to women who are considering leaning the f*ck out:
- Do it.
- Stop caring what other people think.
- The greatest gift you can give yourself is not giving a f*ck.
About Mira Zaki
Mira Zaki is a Seattle born, Manhattan based, globally traveling photographer, new author, and all the time psychic, intuitive, empath. Due to her upbringing in an Egyptian-American family, she has been infused with a deep appreciation for multicultural experiences. Naturally a storyteller, she is committed to making a positive impact with her work. When her dreams started coming true at age 8, she simultaneously picked up a camera for the first time and found her easiest, most true expression. The combination of her spiritual abilities and having a camera to tell a story with led to a healing for the people in front of her camera. Her mission is to help heal and empower through her camera; to share your true Divine essence and to share the beauty of the world around us. Her degree in Commercial, Advertising Photography from Brooks Institute of Photography helped her to perfect her unique abilities as a photographer into an artist who brings expertise, professionalism, and her intuitive magic to all of her work.
She’s been published in: The New York Times, The New York Times T-Magazine, Travel + Leisure, The Travel Channel, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Edible Manhattan, Edible Brooklyn, The James Beard Foundation, VH1-Save the Music Foundation, Tesla, Taylor PR, CNN.com, CNNI.com, CNNMoney.com, Well + Good, Bust Magazine, Olive magazine Korea and more.
Follow Mira online at:
Download the FREE Lean the F*ck Out Launch Kit
If you are thinking about starting a business or side hustle, check out our Lean the F*ck Out Launch Kit. The kit gives you tools and inspiration to start thinking like a fempreneur and start designing the life you want! You’ll receive a guided meditation to help you figure out your vision, a budget worksheet to see what you need financially to make a go of it, daily practices including printable worksheets and daily affirmations to help you keep your head up when your confidence is waning. Again, it’s free and it’s available at leanthef-ckout.com/launchkit.
Music: Sunshine by The Icicles
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