This week we talked with fempreneur Charlene Dipaola founder of Hip Shake Fitness about how she started and runs her online fitness business. Charlene shares why she decided to take the leap into entrepreneurship even though she was very successful in a corporate career. She also talks about her own health journey including a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis. Charlene also shares how she started an online dance workout studio even though she considers herself to be an awkward dancer. In the conversation, we dive deep into how analytics can drive business decisions and help increase conversion rates, how Hip Shake Fitness uses Facebook and YouTube to grow community and drive sales and how to maximize content creation.
women's health
Episode 47: Launching a Women’s Health Tech Startup — Julia Rose, founder of VaGenie talks pelvic floor health
In this episode we talk with Julia Rose, founder of VaGenie, her women’s health tech startup. After the birth of her first child in France, Julia realized the importance of good vagina and pelvic floor health and how it affects our lives. After moving back to the United States and having her second child, she realized that women in the U.S. are exposed much less to the idea of needing to keep their pelvic floor’s healthy and all the areas of their lives it could affect.
This realization led Julia to start developing the VaGenie, a tool women can use to exercise their pelvic floor and build up their strength. Today, Julia is working on the manufacturing of the product, building the software, which is a video game type tool to go with the physical product, and developing a community that supports positive discussions of vaginal health and support for all women. Julia shares her process for how she has developed and funded the VaGenie and what she has in store for her business moving forward.