Have you ever heard those voices in your head saying: “You can’t do this. You aren’t good enough. Why are you even trying, you will never succeed.”? We’ve all heard those voices at some point and as our guest, improv comedian and female entrepreneur Pam Victor says, it’s often the greatest among us who hear those voices most often. Pam created the F.U.C.K. I.T. philosophy to keep those voices at bay. She shares the techniques she teaches her students to get rid of those voices, which she lovingly calls Calvin or your Evil Mind Meany. Pam also talks about how she happened into becoming an improv comedian and then entrepreneur.
Episode 26: Overcoming Fears — An interview with Beverly Walthour
This week on the podcast, Beverly Walthour shares some great techniques for overcoming fears and specific things you can do to get yourself unstuck. She also talks about the importance of mindset, affirmations and visualizations, goal setting (yay for SMART goals) and a daily routine that ties it all together.
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Episode 21: Be Your Own Boss — An interview with Entrepreneur Kristian Grant
We had the opportunity to talk with entrepreneur Kristian Grant about how she embraced her entrepreneurial spirit from a young age and what she is doing now to encourage youth to build their own businesses.
Kristian talked about how to be your own boss and how she uses her daily planner to document ideas and keep on track. Kristian also shared how many of the women she coaches through business building and visioning come to her with fears that they will not be able to make their dreams happen. Kristian says that often “we bury what we love under what we think we have to do,” which leads many women entrepreneurs settling for unhappiness in their work. To push through that she says, you need to own your confidence and check in with yourself at least once a week or every day to affirm yourself that you are heading in the right direction.
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