In this episode, we talk with Ginger Johnson, world class connector, dynamic speaker, writer and author, trainer, teacher, solutionist and entrepreneur. Ginger helps people connect on purpose, with purpose. We talk about stepping out of the perpetual, soul sucking networking game and building real relationships or strengthening your connectivity as Ginger says. Ginger also discusses the importance of leading with service to build authentic relationships. We also touch on how discipline and focus on the things that light your soul on fire can drive your success.
This episode is all about connectivity and getting down to what you love. Ginger offers some great insight from her experience finding building her fempire over the years, including her secret “juice” for taking the first step toward building stronger relationships with potential business partners during networking sessions.
Networking with Connectivity Episode Highlights
- TEDx is an amazing way to build your inbound marketing/sales business.
- If you are invited to participate in a TED conference, learn about the organizers of the conference and why they are doing it. This will help you prepare your talk.
- Service or servant work doesn’t have to mean volunteering. Serve with your business and you will build more authentic relationships in your network.
- Work focus doesn’t have to be limiting, it can be liberating.
- Say yes to what you really do well and no to the things that don’t fit your focus. A no is really a yes.
- Confidence = connecting with people on purpose with purpose.
- Connectivity is not a numbers game, it’s about building quality relationships while networking.
- Get out of your own way. You have the skills and abilities you need to be successful; if you don’t have something you will learn it along the way.
- “Banish the should and do what’s right in the moment.”
Ginger Johnson
With a loud laugh, Ginger is a world class connector, dynamic speaker (TED talk included), writer & author, trainer teacher, solutionist and lover of business having started 4 (so far). What does all this mean? It means she has a ball connecting people and along the way, helps people connect on purpose, with purpose. The included links below are various ways you can learn more. She also loves to cook for visitors (hint hint).
Follow Ginger online at:
Website: gingerjohnson.com
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