In this week’s episode, we talk with Chaya Milchtein about starting her blog – The Mechanic Shop Femme – which has certainly become much more than just a blog. Chaya now offers automotive classes and consultation services, and automotive career coaching. The blog covers automotive topics as well as plus-size fashion and LGBT lifestyle. Through her blog and classes, Chaya empowers women and LGBT+ with knowledge about car maintenance.
Empowering Women through Car Maintenance and Lifestyle Blogging Episode Highlights:
- Tips for growing a blog:
- Listen to readers who are open to sharing what they are looking for.
- Offer classes, people want to learn more.
- Blogs don’t grow on their own, build a network.
- Virtual Assistants can be a good option to support bloggers.
- Provide education to people in many different places (paid and unpaid).
- Make sure you actually are reliable (most important thing). If you promise something, you need to deliver or be honest that you can’t deliver on that. Be the upstanding person you want other people to be.
- Sit down with paper or on computer and write out your plan and how you are going to know you are successful. It helps reframe how she looks at things.
- Not every idea is going to work, need to have a plan to understand what will and won’t, and for working through failures.
About Chaya Milchtein
Call me a workaholic, call me a paradox, call me something else; I call myself Chaya and my motto is “If the shoe fits don’t just wear it, rock it!”
I’m an outspoken female service manager making my mark in a field of older men and sometimes skeptical customers. I have proven through my experience and knowledge that I have earned my place and respect.
I use my automotive knowledge to empower women and queer folks through online classes and consultations.
In addition to my work in the automotive industry, I manage social media accounts for bloggers, models and brands looking to build their presence online and strengthen their customer reach via their social media channels.
While sharing images of me in fabulous colorful dresses, I blog about automotive repairs, plus size fashion and social media every now and then. I am proof that you can be feminine and work in a male-dominated field without compromising yourself.
Follow Chaya online at:
Download the FREE Lean the F*ck Out Launch Kit
If you are thinking about starting a business or side hustle, check out our Lean the F*ck Out Launch Kit. The kit gives you tools and inspiration to start thinking like a fempreneur and start designing the life you want! You’ll receive a guided meditation to help you figure out your vision, a budget worksheet to see what you need financially to make a go of it, daily practices including printable worksheets and daily affirmations to help you keep your head up when your confidence is waning. Again, it’s free and it’s available at
Music: Sunshine by The Icicles
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