This week, we talked with co-founder of RockStar Empires, Kristina Romero about her journey going from Daytime Emmy Nominated Actress to entrepreneur and now mompreneur. She shares the importance of being a good boss to yourself, setting boundaries and creating systems to balance life and work. Learn some of her methods for separating her work stress from home life and her family. Hint, it takes a bit of work, but is possible if you are intentional about it in the right ways.
Kristina Romero
Kristina Romero is co-creator of RockStar Empires, a series of online training for small business owners to leverage their business using online tools and digital products. She also runs her own website development business and lives outside of the Washington D.C. area, she happily juggles raising three small kids, work-life integration, and supporting other Momprenuers with a new Facebook group “Home Hustle.”
Before starting her own business, she began her career as an actress on CBS Daytime’s As the World Turns. She also appeared on NBC Daytime’s Passions, Sands of Oblivion for the Sci-Fi Network and The Flock — a major motion picture starring Richard Gere and Claire Danes.
In addition to acting, she began writing and directing. In 2012, she published her debut novel, Calling Extra, a book about recognizing the power in one’s own voice to make a difference.
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